
Innovative Products is a well-known manufacturer of PVC Laminates. Company is manufacturing PVC Laminates in different styles such as: Metallic, Laser, Designer Prints, High Gloss, Texture, Wood Grain, Soft/Super Matt, Marble, Fabric


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High-Quality Acrylic Laminate

High-quality acrylic laminate is a durable and versatile surface material known for its ability to mimic natural materials, easy maintenance, and resistance to scratches and stains. It's ideal for kitchen countertops, cabinet doors, furniture, and more, offering a wide range of customizable designs and finishes.

What is acrylic laminate?

A reflective and glossy acrylic sheet for kitchen design. An acrylic sheet for kitchen interiors is made of polymer fibre and is similar to lacquer. It is a durable option as it leaves a reflective and glossy sheen on the surface of shutters which lasts for years.

Is acrylic laminate good?

Both acrylic and laminates have their share of pros and cons. While acrylic looks aesthetically beautiful because of its glossy finish, they are costly when compared to laminates. Acrylic is great for lending a high-end sophisticated look to your kitchen.

Is acrylic laminate durable?

Laminate: Maintenance & Durability. While acrylic finishes are not entirely scratch resistant, they do not delaminate, tarnish, or fade away. They do tend to get scratched over the years, but always appear ultra-glossy and relatively smooth.

Is acrylic good for kitchen?

As a kitchen finish, the look and feel are reflective, and high gloss, and it is a non-toxic finish. Acrylic finishes are available in a wide range of colours, and the high gloss, almost reflective finish makes kitchens appear bigger than they actually are. It has scratch-resistant features.

Is acrylic termite proof?

Those insects can ultimately damage the entire look. The unique adhesive on wood materials and acrylic sheets will help people protect their wood furniture and other products from termite attacks. The thick material prevents termites from entering the wood and protects them from other damaged materials.